034 | 2024美国大选日观选指南 2024 Election: What to Watch







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00:00:42 周六 Ann Selzer 的艾奥瓦民调的指导意义

00:21:39 如何看大选投票

00:25:47 佛罗里达

00:42:17 佐治亚

00:46:57 北卡

00:51:37 宾夕法尼亚

00:56:49 密歇根

01:01:14 威斯康星

01:05:59 新罕布什尔和弗吉尼亚

01:07:59 亚利桑那

01:15:22 内华达

01:27:15 在哪里看大选的实时播报

01:30:37 结语






【 What We Talked About】

America heads to the polls this Tuesday. When the votes start rolling in, can you read the returns like a campaign pro, war room style? In this episode, we’ll talk about the vote-counting process: why do some states report results faster than others? What explains the “blue mirages” and “red mirages” in different jurisdictions? Why do certain states suddenly release a large number of votes in the middle of the night, and why others release results in a slow, steady trickle? For those who know what to look for, the vote-counting process reveals key insights into the election’s direction.

【Support Us】

If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

Join our membership program: americanroulette.ghost.io

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00:00:42 How to understand Ann Selzer’s IA poll last Saturday

00:21:39 What to watch for on election night

00:25:47 Florida

00:42:17 Georgia

00:46:57 North Carolina

00:51:37 Pennsylvania

00:56:49 Michgan

01:01:14 Wisconsin

01:05:59 New Hampshire and Virginia

01:07:59 Arizona

01:15:22 Nevada

01:27:15 Where to watch latest update on election

01:30:37 Relax, it’s just another election

【Who We Are】

The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.

Our Hosts and Guests:

王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information

Talich: U.S. politics, history, and culture enthusiast


2024年大选只剩下最后一周时间,哈里斯和特朗普两大候选人在全国和摇摆州民调依然处于非常僵持的状态。尽管有相当一部分美国选民和外界观察者都已笃信特朗普已然锁定了胜局,但民调所显示的,依然是一个难分伯仲的五五开式选举,任何一方,都有可能在这种 「肉搏局」 中笑到最后。正如之前两篇关于民调和宏观态势的文章所提到的那样,有关宏观局面的讨论多如牛毛,却大多数没有什么实际意义。在政治高度极化,两党乃至摇摆选民行为都十分固化的当今美国政坛中,只有从具体关键的摇摆州的政治地理和选民群组等较为细化的环节去推导分析政坛大势下的小动向,或许才能给这场扑朔迷离的选举提供一个较好的选前盘点分析。 2020年大选前,也是出于类似这种对宏观层面讨论的厌倦,选择了就当时认为的各大摇摆州进行了逐个分析,取得了还算不错的效果。虽然事后看来,民调的离谱程度导致了许多大方向判断有误,现在来看肯定不能算是摇摆州的艾奥瓦和俄亥俄,也被当成了专题文章进行了梳理。但总的来看,许多基于微观角度,特别是选民结构变化的分析结论,整体还是站得住脚的。今年早早计划也要写一个摇摆州系列,却一拖再拖到了最后一周还迟迟不能开始动笔,多少是有些惭


端传媒实时更新 https://theinitium.com/article/2024-us-election-live-blog
