021 | 特朗普遭枪击受伤后,他赢定了吗? Is Trump's Victory Inevitable After The Assassination Attempt






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00:00:24 枪击事件回顾

00:01:18 特朗普遭刺杀未遂对选情的影响

00:05:58 美国总统和总统候选人是世界上风险最高的职位

00:08:57 四年前和八年前民调的偏差

00:10:17 特朗普遭刺杀未遂让共和党空前团结

00:11:43 党代会引发的民调上扬

00:15:38 归根结底还在于摇摆选民

00:16:36 刺杀未遂重新定义特朗普的竞选形象

00:20:59 事件后续发展和两党反应相关

00:26:46 事件减轻了拜登被要求退选的压力

00:28:40 拜登团队和奥巴马团队的嫌隙

00:35:37 共和党和保守派对此事的反应和叙事

00:39:01 政治暗杀事件在美国历史上频频发生

00:46:13 对特朗普副总统人选的影响




王浩岚:美国政治爱好者,岚目公众号主笔兼消息二道贩子 Talich:美国政治和文化历史爱好者

【 What We Talked About】

On July 13, former President Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He sustained an injury to his upper right ear. The gunman was neutralized by Secret Service agents at the scene. The incident also resulted in the death of one rally attendee. Authorities are currently investigating the shooting as an attempted assassination of the former president.

We recorded this podcast shortly after the event to provide a timely analysis of the incident and its potential implications. Additionally, we offer a historical perspective by reviewing past incidents of violence against U.S. presidents and presidential candidates.

This episode was recorded on the afternoon of July 14, 2024, Eastern Time. The situation may have evolved since the recording of this episode.

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00:00:24 Overview of the shooting at Trump rally

00:01:18 How the assassination attempt affects Trump's campaign

00:05:58 U.S. Presidents and candidates face world's highest security risks

00:08:57 Analyzing polls from 4 and 8 years ago

00:10:17 GOP rallies behind Trump following assassination attempt

00:11:43 Post-convention bounce in the polls

00:15:38 Swing voters remain the deciding factor

00:16:36 Assassination attempt reshapes Trump's campaign narrative

00:20:59 Responses from Democrats and Republicans

00:26:46 Pressure on Biden to drop out eases after the incident

00:28:40 Friction between Biden and Obama camps

00:35:37 How Republicans and conservatives frame the incident

00:39:01 A look at political assassination attempts throughout U.S. history

00:46:13 Potential impact on Trump's VP pick

【Who We Are】

The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.

Our Hosts and Guests:

王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information

Talich:Aficionado of American politics, culture, and history


特朗普因遇刺“稳了”?学者:可以参考43年前的里根遇刺 https://ishare.ifeng.com/c/s/v004jQUyxY7TELtgeS-_5Kxqq0oX4RSJw86rpRB7xUGnC--KQ__?spss=np&channelId=&aman=a1afdbD0d1Ebb4dd3cTe87Vdd4k25be219W4d5wdeb&gud=54a5958657

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